Discover The #1 Reason Business's Fail!

Steven Barchetti! King Of Social Media!

Currently there are two ways that I can help your business.

The first way would be with my group workshops where I teach how business owners can implement my marketing strategies for their business!

The second way would be. I do it for you!

If you're ready for your marketing to actually start working then get a hold of my company!

Call to schedule a consultation so we can fast track your business growth!

PA Office 724-578-8465

What Are People Saying About My Workshops?

Ann "Steven made an awesome and extremely informative presentation. I left feeling inspired and energized. I can't wait for the next event!"
Justin "It was a great first meeting (for me) with a beneficial topic. I think the meetings in the weeks to come are going to be incredibly resourceful for everyone. "
Judy Harris "Very informative and interesting."
Celise Salmon "Amazing group with wonderful ideas and information!"
Jim Ault "Excellent introduction to sharing the presenters computer screen + the phone conferencing for audio. Not only is the material important for small business people, it is very well organized by Steven Barchetti, who is practiced in internet marketing. His experience and leadership will carry this group forward and I hope to be able to contribute as well. As the weeks go by, we will be able to create blueprints, check lists, recommendations, and a few case studies to illustrate the many aspects of marketing online. My area of expertise is the web technology and I need to learn how to tie it together with web presence and effective branding. This will be something to build for a long, bright future and it starts with sharing. You actually learn and achieve more by sharing, so I will gladly help this group prosper. Most business people should sign in and make this a priority since this is how to survive in the next decade. Don't miss this golden opportunity. Tell your friends!"
Dexter Brady "This is awesome!! Best move I made. Really like the group, finally feels like my tires are hitting the road..."
Judy Harris "It was fabulous. So much knowledge in just an hour. Can't wait to the next webinar!"
Dexter Brady "every week steve sheds light on the anxiety of effective web marketing..the student teacher ratio is balanced,diverse business people bring their expertise to make this the an explosive event..."
Jim Ault "Good presentation of the blueprint and some of the pit falls"
Frank Jacques "Hi Steve, The class today was awesome You provided a great, simplified strategy that put me at ease not having to get all the medium up and running ASAP. It is a good breather. Going to focus on just a couple of applications now." Thanks again! Frank
Julie Salgado Hey Steven, If this is like the training you did last Friday... It will be GREAT! Julie
Dee Gabinet I agree with Julie. The lights really came on for me! Thanks, Steven
Dennis Waton "Steve really knows his stuff, and is more than willing to let you pick his brain. That would definitely be worth the price of adimission if there was one"
Judy Harris "Oustanding!!! Learning about Web 2.0 is incredible and wonderful. This will shoot all of us to the top within the next 6 months."
Colleen "Steve was wonderful, very informative, started at the basic did not speak over your head, I will definitely be attending his future workshops"
Rhonda Brooks Steven! Great meeting. So much great information. Just hope I can keep up. Thank you for your dedication and devotion to helping those of us who are looking to learn this web technology!
Diane Colonna Very impressive I might say and can not wait to hear more....YOU HAVE MY UNDIVIDED ATTENTION!
Katie Landon Steven thank you for the information I can't wait for the next call.
Dulcita Love Great content Steven! I haven't seen a comprehensive overview of the social media sites quite the way you've done it. That will be a very helpful reference for me. Thanks! Dulcita Love
Kerri Mackenzie Great job, Steven! You provided a lot of quality information in an easy-to-follow presentation. Thanks so much for your time and effort! I look forward to learning more.
Rhonda Brooks Steven. Awesome presentation (as always) on the online class tonight (Sunday, June 8th). Can't thank you enough! Rhonda
Earnest Edwards Hi Steve This was my first meeting and so far what I have seen and learned is awesome! I look forward to the next meeting. What you are teaching is right where I've been stuck so far with my marketing. Thanks Steven
Mary M. "Excellent course. I can't wait to go back and listen to the classes I missed, and look forward to each future class."
Judy Harris "Incredible!!! I'm not liking this class, I'm LOVING it!!!"
(Go Here To Give A Testimonial, Ask A Question, Or Leave A Suggestion)

Ask Steven Barchetti the Business Whisperer how to become the King Of Social Media for your business!

Friday, February 8, 2008

12 Things I Learned By 42 That I Wish I Knew At 22

By the time I was 22, I knew who I wanted to marry, was in the process of quitting college, going into debt, and thought that I would be a millionaire by the time I was 30 because I was so smart. If I could go back in time, here are a few items I would tell my 22 year old self.

Click the (read more) hyper link below my signature to read the full article.

Steven Barchetti
Steven's Web Tv
Your Digital Consultant

(King Of Social Media)

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